
13 July 2010

Latest film industry news

Dreary day thoughts.

Hobbit is now officially in pre pre production. What does that mean? Ian McKellan is on it, and said he is going forward – yay!

However there is still issues with finding a director and I’ve heard a source say, there are funding issues as the film is MGM….

I hear the MGM sale is still going on, and although I met a man in Cannes on a yacht who boasted he bought the entire back catalogue, yet apparently that is still on the market so who the hell knows!

This is also why the new Bond 23 film is stalled. And I thought it was a british film, but no, of course not.

On the grapevine is X Men casting in London! Yes that is right! So I will be duly forwarding my resume and headshot to them if you wanna know who just ask.

Other news is that an animation film Despicable Me has beaten Eclipse of the twilight fame in box office takings over the weekend! Wow!

Very big.

However right now, things are slowly starting up, had 4 auditions last week and although Im still looking for an agent I must say its nice to be able to manage my own career. Producing wise I am waiting to hear back from a job with Focus Features(eek!), and considering asking Lauren Schuler Donner if I can be her assistant when she arrives for XMen!

Lauren is an amazing woman and if you don’t know her name then you need to google her. She is a Producer who works at the highest level, with major studios, like Sony, Universal etc. She has produced some films you may know like, X Men, Constantine, Ladyhawke, Free Willy, You’ve Got Mail.

But I digress, Im off to the Lake District next week, and hope to have a final draft of Unify which will now by 7min long.

We are still looking for funding so if you would like to support us please go to:

For more info see:

That’s all folks!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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