So the tough thing about Cannes is that in France I have no access to internet when and where I want it. Mainly because of global roaming costs.
Please excuse any rambling I do right now, I have had about 5 hours sleep for 4 days and cannot remember what day it is. Someone had to tell me!
Last night was a blast, half work half play. I got into the hot party which was Abu Dhabi film commission on the beach at Century Club! I did have to wait an hour outside as I had my bosses tickets but when he turned up it was all good.
So Hal Sodoff is 2nd in command at ICM and he turned up with Sam Gupta a financier man who - lets just say Im beginning to suspect might be a millionaire, but Sam is a great guy and buys me drinks : ), but I also had to give tickets to Suhail, the man who OWNS ICM. Suhail is a man with money, he just went to Monaco and partied on a private yacht. He brought 3 leggy blondes (one is his wife) and two young men with him.
I went to chat to them to see what they do, and the tall african american guy seemed really nice, we chatted while dancing and drinking and he told me he works for google. So I ask if he is a programmer. Honestly I must have just drunk too much.
He laughed at me.
We chatted about other things and I asked him what his actual title was as he seemed to be not a computer guy....he gave me his card
Vice President of Google.
Oh. Wow. He was with the 2 guys who started the company way back when.
Then my friend Ange came over with her producer friend Andrea who I got into the party, and we chatted to the other guy. He seemed young, and then I found out, he started YouTube. Hmm ok. (I wasnt feeling at all out of place!).
Music was great, heaps of people were there and we all danced like crazy!
and I made sure I got people to go and see my film!
ICM is the most amazing company to intern with, they are awesome and take us 4 interns out to every party introduce people to us and even give us red carpet invitations.
So on Thursday night (had to think about that one), we went out to dinner at Le Pizza, a famous restuarant/institution here. ICM booked 35 tables and I am working by the way with Hal Sodoff (2nd in command of ICM). Hal invited us interns out to dinner with his friends, all of whom are bankers, financiers, sellers, producers, etc etc.
On my right I sat next to a man who works for a company called Technicolour. They do everything from making the film (actually creating film to shoot on) to colouring to all sorts of technical things I could not remember. Lots of distributing of film stock etc etc.
On my left was an older man who seemed a little cold. His name was Tony. I chatted to him and gradually wore down his aloofness and asked what he does "oh I work for a little company called Fox"
Me: "oh" (great reply huh!)
Him: "yes"
Me: "so what is your title there?"
Him: "Im chief executive officer of fox"
So Tony is the guy who buys and sells films. This is his 21st Cannes Film Festival and he is not a party guy. People are always trying to get him to buy or sell stuff and he doesnt even go to the Palais (where the film market and films are screened). Fox has offices in their hotel The Carlton Hotel.
Now in case I didnt let you know, the Carlton is the original of the Ritz Carlton, its grand and old and all the studios who can afford it set up their offices on the ground floor.
Its amazing, they fully redecorate the corridors for their offices so it doesnt even look like a hotel room!
We are based in the Carlton. But we are not so lavish, we do have a suite though and an amazing ocean view!
Tony was great, I invited him to party and he wanted to go home and read his book!!!!!! in CANNESS!!!!!
But I did manage to get him to take my film pack and he said he would go home and watch it! Yay!
I also managed to meet David Lancaster of Bold Films who met me Friday morning and took my film as well. David has productions in UK, USA and Australia coming up!
So Im doing pretty well, giving high level people my film and making friends and contacts. Gotta dash off to a meeting with a producer/director from London but love to all!
Try to post again soon!
PS we are trying to get into the Dolce and Gabbana party, and Vanity Fair soon, also Paul Allens Yacht party with Bono and Wyclef Jean will be sure to be the best!!!
jade xoxo